Leslie Hogan 3rd August 2010

I never met Jane's father, but I've known Jane for the past 5 years. I know how dedicated she was to her grandmother, and then to her father, especially after he received the diagnosis of cancer. She took him to chemotherapy every week, always with a gentle, positive smile. I marvelled at her calmness in the heat of business discussions and the phrase she used to get things done, i.e., "going forward". Now I know where Jane got her calm demeanor, her level-headedness, her human warmth from, from her Dad. Their close, special relationship informs her life and exudes through her personality and interactions, even during business transactions. Though I never met her Dad, I feel privileged to have met the Edralin family at his wake and experienced the gentleness and love they all share. My deepest sympathy and condolences to such a loving family.